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Hello all...


iPF Noob
I'm a fairly new user and am excited to know there's a place where I can come and learn about iPad. I got it for a Christmas present 10 months ago and it's been a fun, but I have primarily stayed with the windows pc for anything more than surfing and playing Angry Birds. I got an iPhone about 4 months ago and now am using the iPad more and figure I'll take the plunge totally...

OK, for the inevitable questions for the pros:

I am a computer / tech neophyte.

I have managed to download the iPad forum ap and that's pretty cool.

My iTunes library is on my old windows desktop. Is there a way I can transfer it to the iPad? My iPhone? My work pc?

My wife and daughters have Mac books and iPods. Can / should we synch them all?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or help y'all can offer!
The answer to all your questions is Yes!! There are several threads on the Forum that deal with iTunes and synchronisation so have a read through them and you'll get some great advice from Members. There's a new version of the iPad operating system, iOS5, just been released and a new version of iTunes (version 10.5) too, so you might want to update first of all before getting everything synchronised.

Good to hear from you. You’ll find a whole bunch of iPad enthusiasts in this Forum who are only too willing to help other iPad owners and to hear of their experiences. Don’t be afraid to post any questions you may have or use the ‘Search’ button near the top of the Forum web page. I usually find I discover one new interesting and useful piece of information about my iPad every day - and often not even what I was looking for!!

Hope to hear from you soon with your thoughts about the iPad.

Have fun and enjoy your iPad

If you don’t already have it you can download a copy of the iPad manual for free.

Apple - Support - Manuals

Please read the rules too!!



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