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Hello from ... Italy !


iPF Noob

just a short hello to everyone, I hope Im not the only non english european in here :) my iPad has yet to arrive, but I borrowed one from my cousin, he is off for 10 days of holidays .. my first 24h with a real iPad (I had just used the xcode simulator so far) has been a great experience! Too bad it does not support front face yet and has no a front camera. I want them soo badly..

But to be honest I'd like to adv properly an app but I feel like it would be no that "social". So I had promised myself I won't just register to spam links around, I maintain a forum myself (about programming) so I know what spam means. So I'll try to be a proper forum member .. before I ve no more than hmm 50 posts on my shoulder you won't know anything about the app :)

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