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Hello from So. California


iPF Noob
I was so excited to find an iPad forum!

I've been with Mac since Mac Plus (late 70's - early 80's) I've worked on many of the various upgraded models of Mac since then
and I have most models of iPods, with the "Touch" being my most recent purchase, fell in love with it and can hardly wait to buy the iPad!

I feel the same way about the iPad as I did about the very first Mac computer that I demo'd. I think it is going to change the world, in ways we can't yet imagine. The Macs far exceeded my expectations, I'm sure the iPad will too.

YAY!!! Can't wait to get one!!! My Birthday is Saturday 27th, I was HOPING they'd be available by then at least for pre-order, that would be a great BDay present!

Hi Jill, welcome here , i think we are from the same generation i also start with early 80 with a Classic + and a LCII , power-book 100 and Quadra :) for finish with Spartacus ... i be obligated to turn in PC (due to some software not available in mac) i return to MAC since as i can and when i have to touch a windoze product i start to have headache .....
Thanks for the warm welcome!

I think this is the correct order of the models I've used.
Apple II, Classic, Mac Plus, SE30, IICI, FX, Quadra, Mac Mini, Powerbook G4, IMac, G4 tower, G5 tower. Might have left a couple models out after the Quadra. . . . I do electronic stripping for print materials:)
Hey JWookie, welcome to the site. Be sure to post links on any other forums or websites you participate on so you can help other enthusiasts find us!

I was so excited to find an iPad forum!

I've been with Mac since Mac Plus (late 70's - early 80's) I've worked on many of the various upgraded models of Mac since then
and I have most models of iPods, with the "Touch" being my most recent purchase, fell in love with it and can hardly wait to buy the iPad!

I feel the same way about the iPad as I did about the very first Mac computer that I demo'd. I think it is going to change the world, in ways we can't yet imagine. The Macs far exceeded my expectations, I'm sure the iPad will too.

YAY!!! Can't wait to get one!!! My Birthday is Saturday 27th, I was HOPING they'd be available by then at least for pre-order, that would be a great BDay present!

Hey, welcome!
We share the same path, I too started with the first Macs. If I may be impertinent for a while, just to make a precision, the first Mac 128 was on the shelves in january 1984.
I too am an aries. April 4th. The iPad definitely is this 53rd anniversay gift.:D
I Van, my son is from5 April , so i know how Aries have wood head Hahaha

Seem's many of us have start with mac long time ago ..... maybe is why we love Mac so much

I was so excited to find an iPad forum!

I've been with Mac since Mac Plus (late 70's - early 80's) I've worked on many of the various upgraded models of Mac since then
and I have most models of iPods, with the "Touch" being my most recent purchase, fell in love with it and can hardly wait to buy the iPad!

I feel the same way about the iPad as I did about the very first Mac computer that I demo'd. I think it is going to change the world, in ways we can't yet imagine. The Macs far exceeded my expectations, I'm sure the iPad will too.

YAY!!! Can't wait to get one!!! My Birthday is Saturday 27th, I was HOPING they'd be available by then at least for pre-order, that would be a great BDay present!

Hey, welcome!
We share the same path, I too started with the first Macs. If I may be impertinent for a while, just to make a precision, the first Mac 128 was on the shelves in january 1984.
I too am an aries. April 4th. The iPad definitely is this 53rd anniversay gift.:D
Welcome to the site Jill! If the rumors hold true, we might be able to order it in 3 more days :)

What type of mac are you running now?
<We share the same path, I too started with the first Macs. If I may be impertinent for a while, just to make a precision, the first Mac 128 was on the shelves in january 1984.>

I meant to say. . .that I started with Apple late 70's (the Apple 2), then bought the Mac Plus when it first came out in the 80's. I'm currently on a G5 tower and G4 Powerbook, it's getting time to upgrade :)

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