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Hello from Sunny England!


iPF Noob

OK, I was kidding about the sunny part, but HELLO anyway!

Just received my new iPad on Friday the 22nd for my 60th birthday. I was already a fervent user of the iPod Touch, so it was immediately familiar. While it is definitely an improvement over a PDA, I cannot see it replacing my net book for functionality. Of course, some the features may be eluding me because of my noobness in using it.

1. It is considerably slower on the net than my Acer net boot using Linux and the Chrome browser.

2. Bluetooth appears to be useless. I have not gotten it to pair with anything.

3. There doesn t appear to be any way to create a new folder (except through an online service like Dropbox)

4. It does not appear that it can be networked on my home network to transfer files (again, an online service must be used to moved files)

5. If I download iworks, there is nowhere to store files as far as I can tell.

I had high hopes that the iPad would be a good mobile unit that I could word, excel and such files, but looks I am still going to netbook bound for these tasks andfor networking..

Still, it is a quality piece of kit that I know I will use extensively for email and casual web browsing. I will just have to use something else for the serious stuff.

I will be surfing is forum often, so greetings to all!

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I think we will find that the new little MacBook Airs will be the sort of replacements for the net books you want. I am fairly certain that one of them will become my travel computer.
File transfers

Hi Bob, I'm new also. I use iDisk to regularly save and retrieve large XL spreadsheets and normal MS Word documents using iWorks. I didn't think much of the idea of "cloud storage" initially; however, now that I've gotten used to it I am very impressed with it's ease of use. Just a thought.

Take care

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