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Hello from Tulsa


iPF Noob
I've had an iphone since the 2G version and recently upgraded to the iPhone4. While waiting for some assistance on the iphone at the Apple store, I picked up and started playing with one of the iPads. Decided to give myself the ipad for Christmas. Picked up the 16 GB Wifi but quickly discovered that since the iPhone shines so much better with higher definition, my movies and such should be upgraded and realized I was running out of space quickly. Returned to BB within a few days and they were excellent letting me return the 16 and getting the 64GB version. Have not regretted it at all. When I found out that videos and photos could be streamed to my HDTV at home with the Apple TV, I went back to the Apple store and purchased.

The iPad is a great device and while I do surf the internet for info, I just came across this great forum today and knew I had to be a part of it even if it is a small part.

Welcome Billy. I too did almost the same thing. It's very dangerous to go into an Apple store or mess with them at BB. Just set up a MacBook Air because I "accidentally" saw one in action...... I'm down the road in OKC.

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