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Hello. Just one question...


iPF Noob
Hi, I'm Jordan.

I use my ipad Pro for digital art.

My question that I am having difficulty finding an answer to...
Is how do I record the audio that is playing from my ipad along with the video?

Ex: I am playing Spotify playlists, and would like to record a video of me doodling (on paper)
Every video program I have tried, including purchased ones, they disable my stream of music when opened.

On instagram live, however, I am able to stream and record the video with the audio playing from my iPad no problem. I can then save the video. I would like to be able to do the same thing as live mode in instagram, in order to create "episodes".

Is there an app I am overlooking that allows this?
Thanks for looking!! : )
At this time, iOS only allows one app access to audio at a time (with some exceptions I'll mention in a moment). This means that if you are recording, then only the recording app can access audio. It does not matter if one app is playing and one recording. iOS does not handle them separately. So even if you have an app that plays audio in the background, the current app will interupt the audio the moment you start recording.

The exception to this are AudioBus compatible apps. Both apps must be AudioBus compatible for it to work. However, since this is mostly a way of allowing musical instrument and creation apps to communicate with music track recording apps; you probably won't find any music streaming apps with this feature.
You could also take the movie into a video editing app and add a sound track.

A caution. If you are posting these videos to a public site, distributing them to others, and/or making a profit on the videos; you are probably violating copyright, and can be penalized. Almost all the music you listen to on a typical streaming service is copyrighted, and you can not rebroadcast it, even as background music. Not without the artist's and/or record company's permission.

There have been cases of people being served notice for incidental background music, let alone intentional background music.

If you search around on the internet, you can find a few sources of public domain or free limited license tracks; though not surpissingly they are seldom as good as comercial music.
the type of artists and music i stream probably wouldn't mind if I am using their music just to draw to. I don't profit on it. They are rare and hard to find artists. I find them on facebook and most of them interact with me!

Thank youu!!! I might be coming back if I ever run into another question about the iPad : }

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