iPF Noob

I am a newbie to this awesome forum and I want to introduce myself! I am a wife and mother of 4 wonderful kids. 3 adult children in their 20's and 1 special 'surprise' 4 year old little boy who has autism. I purchased my first iDevice about a year ago for my little boy (iPodTouch 3g) because of his intense interest in anything electronic! There are so many educational apps available that help us with his autistic challenges. Well, about 3 months after learning how to use the OS on the iPod, needless to say, I was completely "hooked" and "addicted" to all of the amazing things I was able to do with the iPod (especially after I JB it!!

I came accross this Forum while searching for some answers regarding my tethered RedSn0w JB and I was able to immediately find the "Correct" answers, advice and step-by-step instructions here!! I am excited to be a member here now and I look forward to all of the willing helpfulness, honesty, integrity and comradary that this Forum has to offer!
With all of that said, I want to extend a sincere 'Thank You' to everyone who is involved with running this Forum! And Thank You for allowing me to become a member!!!