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Help a Droid user acclimate to iPad


iPF Noob
I'm a Droid user since last November. I've never used an iPhone or iPod touch so I'm very new to the iPad interface. I bought an iPad for my wife last week and she's in love with it. She's not a particularly heavy computer user and I could never get her into a laptop computer because she didn't like the trackpad interface. So, the iPad was a successful purchase.

As an Android user I had heard how intuitive and easy the iPad is to use. So, I've been playing around with it but have been frustrated. I'm hoping you can help. This is not a gripe session, I just need to translate what I do on the Android into how it should work on the iPad. Think of me as knowing Spanish and you're trying to teach me Italian.

Ok, here goes.

1. App purchase. I'm very leery of buying apps. This is true on any platform. Many apps are just junk or don't live up to the way they should perform. Plus, there are often a dozen apps that claim to do the same thing. I like to try them all and then decide.

On the Android platform I can purchase any app and then try it for 24 hours. If I delete the app within 24 hours my credit card is never charged. I can't figure out how to do that on the iPad. If I delete an app within 24 hours will my credit card be refunded? If not, how do I get my money back. I won't purchase apps until I can figure this one out.

2. App icon arrangement. For some reason, the icons for apps on a page do an "auto arrange" similar to Windows. I like my icons spread out and in particular spots on a page. How do I turn off "auto arrange" of icons so I can set up pages the way I like them?

3. App store. I go into the app store and scroll through pages and find an app on, say, page 45 that I like and install it. When I go into the app store and do the same search I'm back at page 1. How do I get to page 45 where I left off and continue perusing the app store? Or, do I have to sludge through 45 pages again?

I'm sure I'll have some more questions but I'd like help with these for now.
1. App purchase. I'm very leery of buying apps. This is true on any platform. Many apps are just junk or don't live up to the way they should perform. Plus, there are often a dozen apps that claim to do the same thing. I like to try them all and then decide.

On the Android platform I can purchase any app and then try it for 24 hours. If I delete the app within 24 hours my credit card is never charged. I can't figure out how to do that on the iPad. If I delete an app within 24 hours will my credit card be refunded? If not, how do I get my money back. I won't purchase apps until I can figure this one out.
Once you download it, you own it. You can only get your money back if the app does not function as described or does not work at all. It is 100% "Caveat Emptor" or Let the Buyer Beware. Fortunately there are a lot of great apps that are free and others for only 99¢ or $1.99 - $2.99. Some apps have a "lite" version for free that is either supported by advertising or is in some way made to not have the full functionality of the paid version.

2. App icon arrangement. For some reason, the icons for apps on a page do an "auto arrange" similar to Windows. I like my icons spread out and in particular spots on a page. How do I turn off "auto arrange" of icons so I can set up pages the way I like them?
AFIK, you can't adjust the spacing or positioning. You can move apps around anywhere on the page or from page to page. Its not Windows!

As far as searching through the App Store, I am not quite sure I understand the question. Are you talking about the App Store through iTunes or on the iPad?
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1. Read up and only buy an app when you're happy it will do what you want (just like when you buy physical software).

2. It's just how the UI is I'm afraid - iOS4 is going to be a BIG improvement IMO.

3. You have to scroll through again. For what it's worth, it irritates the hell out of me as well.
1. Read up and only buy an app when you're happy it will do what you want (just like when you buy physical software).

2. It's just how the UI is I'm afraid - iOS4 is going to be a BIG improvement IMO.

3. You have to scroll through again. For what it's worth, it irritates the hell out of me as well.

What he said, the app resetting to page one is silly. You can arrange the icons just like you would an ipod, just press and hold any app, then when they shake, drag the app to wherever you would like it. I always try to read up on apps before purchasing them, most iPad apps have no reviews so I will google the app and get some feedback that way.

Or you can JB it and see what apps are offered on Cydia to help you out.
Oh, and take ALL of the ratings on the app store with a pinch of salt. Rely on 3rd party site reviews and recommendations from sites like this. :)
Yeah I was going to say, Jailbreak and you can arrange your screen how you want it a little more custom, wait for OS4 which lets us have folders.

Apps, use free or recommended. I just study up and try the lite versions.

As an aside, and nothing personal, just that since we're on the subject. It often bothers me that people don't want to pay for apps, I mean duh, someone put time effort and training to create the app why not pay them? Why do we think since its a phone or small device we should get it free?

Now, that doesn't mean we shouldn't get a trial period, I agree to that!
The UI of iOS devices are more locked down than your used to on the droid. Personally I like ghat because it stays consistent and more useable but others don't. Just something you'll have to get used to.

As for apps try the free alternatives or the lite versions and if you like it enough.buy the full versions.
The UI of iOS devices are more locked down than your used to on the droid. Personally I like ghat because it stays consistent and more useable but others don't. Just something you'll have to get used to.

As for apps try the free alternatives or the lite versions and if you like it enough.buy the full versions.

How does the APP policy work on Droids. I hear you can try before you buy. So does this mean you get invoiced x many of days after you download? And how do you reject a download if you don't want to buy? Does the rejected App get removed when rejected?

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