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Help!! Extracting data from a broken iPad.

I've got this horrible problem. Yesterday I dropped my beautiful iPad on the floor. The screen went black, and it has stayed that way since.

However, I know my iPad still works in some manner because I hear notification sounds and my alarm still rings.

I plugged it to iTunes in an attempt to backup the data from it. However, iTunes says that I need to respond on my iPad for access. I think the touchscreen on my iPad is dead too.

What should I do to retrieve the data?
Have you been doing backups either in iTunes on the computer or in iCloud? If you've done either, then you should be able to restore to a new or repaired device, and get most if not all of your data back.

Depending on what data you are after, if you've been using iCloud, then your contacts, calendars, email, reminders, and a few other apps can be accessed from most computer web browsers at icloud.com

If you purchased Applecare with the device, you should have accident insurance. If you purchased the iPad from another store/source, it may have included accident insurance. Check to be sure.

There are computer apps that can access some, if not all, of the iPads file structure. Some of the app specialize in music, books, etc. Others are more general. Some of your data may be recoverable that way.

I'm am not up to date on which is best, so I'll let other members make recommendations. Or you you can wander over to the Hacking section and browse through threads there. That's where the subject comes up most often.

Be sure to distinguish between jailbreak apps/tweaks that work on the iPad itself, and computer apps that will work with your iPad when it is plugged in.
This may sound scary in more ways than one;) but from my reading about a problem similar to yours the following has surprisingly often been a solution. May not work for you but worth a try before you take further action....
....Take off any iPad cover and then give the iPad about four solid slaps to the back with the palm of the hand.
As I say, no guarantees, but it has sometimes worked.

Sent from Oz using Tapatalk Pro
Cos my iPad is definitely alive, just that the screen is no longer working, and my precious data is intact but can't be retrieved.
I've got this horrible problem. Yesterday I dropped my beautiful iPad on the floor. The screen went black, and it has stayed that way since.
However, I know my iPad still works in some manner because I hear notification sounds and my alarm still rings.

I plugged it to iTunes in an attempt to backup the data from it. However, iTunes says that I need to respond on my iPad for access. I think the touchscreen on my iPad is dead too.

What should I do to retrieve the data?
Cos my iPad is definitely alive, just that the screen is no longer working, and my precious data is intact but can't be retrieved.
I've merged the two threads that were started on this subject to prevent splitting the conversations, making them hard to follow. Please, only one thread for each topic.

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