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Help with writing into forms


iPF Noob
I have forms that I need to fill in and have signed by clients. I have found a way to do it but, it take me several steps to do this . Following is the steps I use:

1) write on write pad
2) download to drop box
3) go to laptop
4) copy and past from drop box into word document
5) save on desk top
6) go to myfax.com to convert to PDF
7) email PDF to myself
8) retrieve mail from my IPad
9) open with PDF expert
10) past client signature into form that client sign using PDF expert
11) email back to myself
12) post into clients folder

I have to do several of these, there has to be an easier way.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help

Several members need to do a similar set of operations.

It's easier to use the Apple iWorks Office app 'Pages', which is Word compatible.

You can author the document on the iPad, Pages can save it to PDF, you can then open it in another app called SignMyPad, from where the customer can tick boxes, enter text, sign the document - and from where you can flatten the resulting document (no further edits allowed), email it to your customer and print a copy if you want to.

Two apps only needed - Pages and SignMyPad and only one machine needed, your iPad.

Several members need to do a similar set of operations.

It's easier to use the Apple iWorks Office app 'Pages', which is Word compatible.

You can author the document on the iPad, Pages can save it to PDF, you can then open it in another app called SignMyPad, from where the customer can tick boxes, enter text, sign the document - and from where you can flatten the resulting document (no further edits allowed), email it to your customer and print a copy if you want to.

Two apps only needed - Pages and SignMyPad and only one machine needed, your iPad.


The problem is that these are documents from my company. I have pages, when I open the doc in pages it is not formatted correctly. Any suggestions ?


It is my understanding that while you can not create a text entry box in PDF Expert, it will handle PDF files that have text entry fields. If you can find a computer app to convert your .doc files to PDF files with text entry fields then you may have a one stop app solution.

I'm pretty sure PDF Expert will allow you to sign a document.

If not, it does allow drawing style annotations, yes? Just have the customer draw their signature, then shrink and move it to the right line on the form.

Store the forms on DropBox to use as Templates.

When done, flatten the PDF and send it back to DropBox with a new name, or mail it.

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