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Here because I lost my ipad

Hi, I am panicked..any suggestions for finding my ipad? I have mobile me and have activated a search, but getting a message that says "no location available:. Is there anything else I should be doing?
If the iPad is off, or not 3G and not in range and connected to a Wi-Fi hotspot, it won't be able to report it's location. That leaves you with the old standby, retrace your steps.

If you have good reason to think it was stollen report it to the police. Keep an eye on the Find My iPhone in MoibleMe. If the the thief is foolish enough to connect to the internet and use it before restoring, then it may pop up. If it does, do not try to recover it yourself, call the police and report what you've found. A screen shot of the location would be a good idea.

Good luck finding your iPad.
Whew, what a relief, twerppoet you are right of course. I wasn't thinking straight, and even if I was it might not have occurred to me that no internet no response. A very happy ending to my story I am relieved and thrilled to report.

What happened is this. The last time I saw my ipad was in the grocery cart the previous afternoon. It was just beyond me to realize that maybe I left it in the shopping cart?!??? Shrieeek!!

So the next morning, yesterday I called the store hoping that maybe someone turned it in. and GUESS WHAT!!! One of the employees who brings in carts found it in the cart and turned it in to the office, where it was safely waiting for me in the safe.

I was so amazed and appreciative, I went to the store, left a thank you note and a reward for the employee and brought my ipad home.

As soon as it got internet access the alarm went off, just as I had programmed it to. Cracks me up.

And here I was prepared to go stomping off to the apple store wondering why my mobileme hadn't worked like I had been told.

So all is well, lesson learned for me. I tracked back my mindset and I understand what happened that led me to forget it in the 1st place. And glad that my habit is to return the shopping cart to it's parking lot home.

I let the store management know how impressed I was with this employee, and how grateful I was that they were honest enough to do the right thing.
That's a great happy ending! We've all done stuff like that. I find that T/P's advice to "retrace your steps" is excellent advice and have done many times. (More times than I want to confess!) So glad you are reunited!
That must have all been quite traumatic for you. Glad to hear that all is well. :)

BTW: When and where does an alarm go off? I thought Find my iPad just found the thing and had never heard of the alarm.
So glad this story had a happy ending. I commute a great deal and am paranoid that I might accidentally leave my iPad on the bus or train.

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