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Hey ~ Will get my iPad 3 Monday


iPF Noob
Will get my iPad Monday. I'm jazzed, I think, but still not sure I "need it" ... I have an iPhone 4s and am "concerned" about the initial setup. I'll figure it out. Eager to see what's on this page. I am POSITIVE there are many "things" I am yet to learn.
Hi there-you will love your iPad!

Welcome to the iPadForum! This Forum offers so much information related to the iPad and its use. The IPF has many discussion topics related to: Acessories, Help, Apple News, Hacking, Gaming, Business/Education, Special Needs and Health.

The iPadForum also includes a Regional Ipad Group for international users across the world. This is a wonderful area to "find" members from your own country.
Regional iPad Groups

If you have not done so, please take a look at the iOS 5.0 and 5.1:
iTunes - Books - iPad User Guide for iOS 5 by Apple Inc.
iTunes - Books - iPad User Guide for iOS 5.1 by Apple Inc.

Finally, please read the rules!
When you've set it up go to the app store and download iBooks (free), Flipboard and Pulse.
These are the sort of apps that make you go wow as they really show off the new screen.

Also worth checking out are Dropbox and Evernote, both free but once you use them you'll be hooked with their utility.

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