iPF Noob
Just wanted to quickly say hi!
I got a 3GS after years of being a Blackberry fan and never looked back. God! Even my 60+ year old mum who hated tech has an iPhone now. Bless her - she would kill you if you tried taking it off her lol
I'm on week 2 of having my iPad 2 now and am glad I'm not wondering why i bought an oversized iPhone, its so much more in the flesh than that. I am looking forward to the JB, like a few other peeps in here too it seems.
Forum looks awesome found a few neat tricks in here already I never knew about. Had to write this in safari on my iPad because I couldn't enter text in the iPad forums app, thought that was a bit weird, I must being doing something dumb. Anyways, I look forward to popping in regularly to keep up with all the latest developments. Cheers.
I got a 3GS after years of being a Blackberry fan and never looked back. God! Even my 60+ year old mum who hated tech has an iPhone now. Bless her - she would kill you if you tried taking it off her lol
I'm on week 2 of having my iPad 2 now and am glad I'm not wondering why i bought an oversized iPhone, its so much more in the flesh than that. I am looking forward to the JB, like a few other peeps in here too it seems.
Forum looks awesome found a few neat tricks in here already I never knew about. Had to write this in safari on my iPad because I couldn't enter text in the iPad forums app, thought that was a bit weird, I must being doing something dumb. Anyways, I look forward to popping in regularly to keep up with all the latest developments. Cheers.