iPF Noob
My name is PeterFrand. I'm from Washington . I moved to Spain when I was 17 year old. I'm actually living in Washington. I'm not married. so I don't have children. I'm trying to get into college, that's the reazon that I want to improve my English. I use to do my High school in Spanish and is a little be complicated when you try to get into an America colleg. I'm very thankful that you provide us this greatly help.
My name is PeterFrand. I'm from Washington . I moved to Spain when I was 17 year old. I'm actually living in Washington. I'm not married. so I don't have children. I'm trying to get into college, that's the reazon that I want to improve my English. I use to do my High school in Spanish and is a little be complicated when you try to get into an America colleg. I'm very thankful that you provide us this greatly help.