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iPF Noob
I am an artist and writer who has a newly revised free e book, Art of Seeing The Divine, Introduction, that is over 55 pages long; and also a much longer full version of the e book entitled Art of Seeing The Divine Book 1, What Do You See? Each book contains many color art images.

The books are a new kind of inspirational and self help book that included a new kind of brain game that helps people gain Awakened Vision. This enhanced vision can easily be attained by anyone who can read this message on a screen. It is a real visual change wherein you actually see more energy, and then begin to experience less unwanted emotions and negative feelings as visual memories become more positive.

My initial interest in the iPad is as a reader for my e books that can "see" color.

I am looking for ways to convert the e books from their current PDF formats to EPUB or whatever works best on the iPad. Plus, I am looking for outlets that will include the free e book and/or also sell the e book.

To learn more about these e books, or get your own free copy of the Introductory one, which includes 2 full visual Awakening Experiences (brain games" , plus discover how Awakened Vision can change your life go to :

Edited by Moderator - no links, please read the forum rules

Looking forward to learning and sharing with other members of this forum-- and thanks for any help!

Judy Rey Wasserman
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Hi judyrey -- There are many services for converting from PDF to EPUB. If you wish, you can enhance your epubs with embedded AUDIO and MOVIES. I'm a software developer and publisher and have just finished 9 epub projects using eBook Architects Edited by Moderator - do not promote websites.. Great experience. I was attracted to them because their website is the most informative I have ever seen. Even if you don't use them, their website is a great resource. Good Luck - m
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coversion pdf to eBook is little difficult task you use some free software which you can find online easily. but if you want quality then you should use paid conversion services they will give you best result I suggest you Edited by Moderator - do not promote your website, please read the forum rules . you can get free sample for test quality.
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coversion pdf to eBook is little difficult task you use some free software which you can find online easily. but if you want quality then you should use paid conversion services they will give you best result I suggest you Edited by Moderator - Do not promote your website, please read the forum rules . you can get free sample for test quality.

Hello riyaraj. Your post, (which quotes a company which I think you may be associated with), attempts to assist a member. That member's post is 30 months old and it is doubtful whether they are still coming back to this thread for the answer. The thread is therefore closed. Thanks for your understanding.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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