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Horrible itunes add keep appearing on safari


iPF Noob
How do i stop these itune app ads appearing relentlessly and closing down my safari. I do not browse for apps in my browser i have never had any remote interest in any of the fantasy apps that keep popping up. I have turned off Java script in my settings to no avail
Please help with a simple cure! Jerry
Unfortunately, it is the nature of the beast when browsing the Internet; site owners/developers put the ads on their sites.

All we can do is live with it or not visit the site.

In addition, there are some ad block apps in the AppStore (AdBlock, Weblock, etc). In addition, there are some [paid] alternate web browsers that can aid in ad blocking such as Dolphin Browser, Atomic Web Browser and the like.

Again, it's the way of the Internet, sorry. There be ads out there...

They shouldn't shut down Safari. If you tap on them they will go to a page that will look blank and open the App Store. When you get back to Safari you can hit the back button or close the tab and open another.

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