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How can I Clone Large Numbers of iPads

You have two options for cloning an ipad using the backup/restore method. Either with a wire connected to a computer and an Itunes account or via the iCloud. Since I have never tried it I have no idea if you can do multiple restores from the iCloud at the same time but you could certainly have up to 5 computers per iTunes account doing restores.
The apple store has a power sync cart that can charge and sync up to 30 iPads.Look under cables and docks in the iPad section.
During usage of Apple iPad, it is much necessary to create backup files of its content which will help to recover the corrupted data over iPads. If you are looking for an effective tool which will effectively create the backup files of iPad then I will suggest you to go with ipad backup tools. It is a smart tools which can easily create backup files of iPad contents.

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