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How can I make video in goodreader visible in another application?


iPF Noob
I used the wireless transfer feature in goodreader and sent a video to my ipad. I wanted to edit it in a movie editing app, or at least be able to open it in photos so it will be visible in an editing app. Any idea how to accomplish this? I can watch the video, it's just invisible to other applications besides goodreader.

Any help is appreciated.

Goodreader supports the "Open In..." feature. Have you looked to see if the app you wish to use is listed when you press the "Open In..." arrow (bottom right, if I remember correctly)?

Once you select it, the app you want should open.

Marilyn, I did see the "open in" and it lists Photos and iMovie. It opens, but it doesn't save there. The real issue is not seeing or watching the video, it's that it is not visable from iMovie (although it says I can open in iMovie, it doesn't work). I wanted to edit the video, but iMovie can only see things that are in my photos or camera roll, not in the Goodreader files. So the "open with" doesn't do me any good. I know that dropbox has a "save file" option that automatically puts pictures (maybe video) into your camera roll. I'd like to use goodreader though because it integrates with more online storage like google drive etc.
Try using iTunes to get the file from your PC/Mac to either iMovie or the Camera Roll. You should be able to use the file transfer feature of iTunes to transfer directly to the iMovie app or use the Photos tab to sync a movie folder to the camera roll.
"Open in.." isn't best idea. When you execute that "feature", movie not link to app, and copy! There. Every time you copy movies to good player (as example of app)! )))
Apple way?
Hi Adam, did you get an answer to this? I'm going travelling with ipad and camera, and want to do exactly what you're trying to do. As want to edit movie files in iMovie that I transfer wirelessly to goodreader. Do let me know?

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