on your windows device, if you have one. wmv is a windows proprietary file type. Tell you friends to use a universal file type if they want everyone to able to access it.
I went into an Apple store today and talked to someone there about wmv media. He said that I would not be able to view it on my iPad because it is Flash based. Sound about right?
on your windows device, if you have one. wmv is a windows proprietary file type. Tell you friends to use a universal file type if they want everyone to able to access it.
Well, I can view them on my MacBook, so I know it doesn't have to be on a windows device. What I'm wondering if there is some way I can view these with any app available...
I went into an Apple store today and talked to someone there about wmv media. He said that I would not be able to view it on my iPad because it is Flash based. Sound about right?
StreamToMe is such an app for iPad: StreamToMe for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store