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How could I get this stereo setup going?


iPF Noob
Basically I'm trying to get the music from my desktop computer (in the bedroom) to my stereo (living room) while using the iPad as a remote. So far I've come up with using Audiogalaxy and bluetoothing that to a Bluetooth music receiver connected to my stereo. My only gripe with that is the Bluetooth music receiver. I've heard those things are pretty low quality devices.

Anyone have any other suggestions? I have a PS3 in the mix, but as far as a user interface is concerned I'd much rather be using the iPad.
Get an Apple TV and the "Remote" app from Apple app store and you will have very good sound and ease of use. Works like a charm on my system, Win7 w/iTunes 10.1.1 and the Apple TV 4.1.1(?), with iPad 3.2.2, iPhone4 4.1.x and iPod 4.3b2.
Apple TV. I have set up a few of these and they are awesome and do exactly what you describe. Free remote on iPad or iPhone.
Apple TV. I have set up a few of these and they are awesome and do exactly what you describe. Free remote on iPad or iPhone.

If your signature line is true, "Sent from my iPad while riding my BMW K1200RS listening to my iTouch". Let me just say good bye now, you will be missed, and my condolences to you family. I hope they give you a nice funeral, and that you didn't take anyone else with you.:D

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