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How do I bookmark in 4.2?


iPF Novice
Topic says it all.
I know I saw this issue answered here, but the limited search function won't find it for me.
In 4.2 you use the curved arrow icon just to the left of the address. In 3.2 you used the plus. It made it a bit confusing for a number of people.

I could not find the bookmarks/was unable to bookmark too. Then I hooked my Ipad back up to my PC. When I was in Itunes I went into the Info tab scrolled down to Other and checked the sync bookmarks hit apply/sync. Now all the bookmarks show up on my Ipad where they are supposed to be. I must have missed that step when set it up the first time.
This drove me nuts for a few minutes the other day until I figured it out, haha. There aren't many buttons in Safari, after all ;)

Anyway, you just click the rightmost button on the top toolbar, the one that looks like a box with an arrow coming out. Then the first option in the menu is Add Bookmark. That's all there is to it :)

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