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How do I create ePub text?


iPF Novice
I have published books and have always used the old fashioned but reliable Word document, now when I use a ePub convertor programme all the work I have done on typesetting and making sure chapters are on separate pages goes to waste.
So my main question is...is there a word document setting that I am missing which will sort page size and character line number to suit ePub rules?
Or is there an ePub programme that I can re set my documents into and create an ePub book?

Thanks for any help you can give me?
I don't have Word, so I can't say what it can or can not do. However I'm pretty sure ePub uses a chapter break (like a page break) tag. Page breaks would be useless in ePub, because font size, page size, and just about every other size varies from device to device to user settings to chaos and back.

Try searching Word's help for a chapter break options, and give up on trying to format pages themselves.

Wikipedia is a good place to start reading about ePub and editing options.

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