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How do i delete all my contacts?

I think you will have to do it one by one in the Contact app--I don't know of a way to delete ll at once. Click on the contact, hit edit, hit "delete contact." at the bottom of the page.
If you are currently syncing with a service like MobileMe or other contacts, go to you server account in Settings >> Mail, Contacts, Calendars >> Accounts and turn off the Contacts sync. It should give you an option to delete all your contacts form the iPad.

Similarly, if you create a new account that syncs contacts you should be given an option to merge the existing ones, or overwrite new ones. You can use this if you have an account that has a contact address book that is empty. For instance, I have a Yahoo email account. I could sync contacts from it, but that address book is empty, so I could replace all my existing contacts with the empty one. This will only work if there is no account already being synced with.

Another option would be to use iTunes. Connect your device to the computer, go to iTunes, and select your iPad from the Devices list. Go to the Info tab at the top. Under Sync Address Book Contacts, choose any available contact sync source. Now chose Selected Groups, and make sure all the group checkboxes are NOT checked.

Go to the bottom of the page and in the Advanced box where it says Replace information on this iPad, check the Contacts box.


Be sure to go back and turn off the Contact syncing when you are done.
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Good reply Twerppoet. I guess i've never considered wanting to delete all my contacts so I wasn't thinking of working through Itunes which I work hard to avoid LOL.
iTunes is a big wrinkly behemoth, which is it's biggest problem. But that also means there are all kinds of little tricks and features hidden in the cracks. You just have to be careful and know what you are doing. And back up your library. Always have a good backup.

And if you don't back up your iPad media through iTunes, then use an alternative. Just because iTunes isn't perfect doesn't mean the iPad is better with nothing.
delete all contacts from ipad

connect ipad to mac
goto itunes
look to left column
look for devices
under devices is (your) ipads name
click on (your) ipads name
look to right
find the contact icon <<contacts>>
left click contact icon and drag to trash
part 1 is done.


goto bottom right corner of screen
click sync or update tab


contacts on your ipad s/b empty
That sounded so beautifully simple I had to give it a dry run, but I can't duplicate your steps.

The only place I can find a Contacts icon is on the Apps screen. You can't delete the Contacts app, and if you could I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to. It would be a pain to get back.

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