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How do I delete files from my iPad Air?


iPF Noob
My iPad Air is running out of memory but I can't find a way to delete files in a cleanup.
For instance I have some videos that can go
but all I get to see in Windows Explorer is
a couple of snapshots.

How can I see and manipulate the rest of the files that are taking up all that space?

On your iPad Air, tap on the select button and then tap on each video you want to delete. A trash bin will appear at the bottom right of the page. Tap on the trash bin and the selected photos will be deleted. The deleted photos will go to the Recently Deleted folder in the Photos app where they'll be automatically deleted in 30 days. The storage space used by those deleted videos is, however, released immediately for reuse. If you want to permanently delete anything in the recently deleted folder, the same process given for the initial deletion will work to permanently delete the videos.
I went to that site. I notice FoxFifth writes
ckmark in front of "Sync Photos From" and then syncing."
"You cannot delete them directly on the phone -- you have to use iTunes sync as I described above -- by going to the Photos page on iTunes with the phone connected and removing the
checkmark in front of "Sync Photos From" and then syncing."
iTunes Interface.webp

Problem - I don't have a Photos page!

I have deleted all images and videos from the folder on my PC to which iPad is set to sync. The sub-folders are there, but they are empty. iTunes does not do Step four of a sybc!
Looking at your screenshot, see the small icon in the tool bar, next to where it says Music? It looks like a small iPad. Tap this and the left column will change to iTunes sync/settings options for your iPad. The iPad must be plugged into the computer for this icon to show.

Note; Once the sync settings are changed, the photos will not be removed from the iPad until you actually sync it. Be cautions with changes you make when syncing with iTunes.

Somehow it was looking in the wrong folder on my PC. Possibly an upgrade set everything back to default. Anyway - reset to right folder and it works like a charm.

Thanks again twerpoet. Your unbeaten record remains intact :)

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