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How do I delete I books


iPF Noob
My wife uses her ipad mostly for reading books. She has downloaded hundreds of books and can not figure out how to delete them. She goes to the ibooks page and it shows all of the books, in the upper right corner she hits the select button and then she selects the book she wants to delete and hits the delete button in the upper left corner. It then says book has been deleted but the picture of the book is still there. She can start over and do it again and everything does just like the first time, it says it is deleated but it is still showing on the ibooks page. Any help appreciated
Hello Jimnkaran - welcome to the forum! :) First, I'm assuming the iPad in question is an Air 2 (forum posted) - please provide the iOS installed. Second, what have you tried to correct this problem?

Second, I just opened iBooks on my iPad Air 2 and deleted an old book (see images below) - basically followed the same steps you described and the book and its image disappeared, so the behavior you're experiencing is not expected. For starters and if not already done, I would suggest that you 'Force Close' the iBooks app; if not effective, then RESET the iPad - see directions below. Let us know if these maneuvers are of help. Dave

When an app (or several) are misbehaving, I usually go through the following steps:

1. Force Close - open the multi-tasking bar (double tap the 'home buttom’) - find the offending app - then press and drag to the top of the screen - return to the home screen & try again.

2. Restart - press & hold the 'Sleep/Awake' (a.k.a. power) button until a red slider appears (may take a few seconds) - move the slider to turn off the iPad; then press & hold the same button until the Apple logo appears - wait for a restart.

3. Reset - press & hold the 'Power' and 'Home' buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears (this may take 10 secs or so); release the buttons and the iPad will 're-boot' - NOTE that none of these maneuvers will alter your apps, files, or settings.
The system is IOS 10.3.1 and have tried everything you listed. The screen shot you showed is just like ours but now when we hit the select button, then select a book the delete does not even light up like it did before, only the move button lights up. The 10.3.1 update was just put on as the wife was reading the ipad screen shut off and said now updating operating system, that was between the time I put the original post on and you answered it. Any more ideas what to do? We can't hit the delete all buttton because she has over a 100 books that she has not read yet and she would not be able to download them again for free.
The system is IOS 10.3.1 and have tried everything you listed. The screen shot you showed is just like ours but now when we hit the select button, then select a book the delete does not even light up like it did before, only the move button lights up. The 10.3.1 update was just put on as the wife was reading the ipad screen shut off and said now updating operating system, that was between the time I put the original post on and you answered it. Any more ideas what to do? We can't hit the delete all buttton because she has over a 100 books that she has not read yet and she would not be able to download them again for free.

Hello again - please make sure that you did the RESET properly, i.e. requires holding both buttons described previously down unit the Apple logo appears - this is often not done correctly.

Also, check in Settings -> General -> About and tell us the capacity of your iPad and what storage remains (if the latter is minimal then the iOS install might not have worked - just a consideration).

Finally, where are these books coming from? I've purchased a lot of books from Amazon & Apple and all can be downloaded again w/o cost; I've also gotten some 'free' books from online sites, such as Gutenberg. Please respond and we can pursue the issue further - Dave :)
Depending on your settngs iBooks will show your all your iBooks Store purchased books, whether they are stored on the iPad or not.

If a book is not stored on the iPad it will have a cloud icon in the top left corner of it's cover icon (in shelf view) or to the right of the item (in list view). To hide books that are not downloaded turn on "Hide iCloud Books" in the top center menu.

ok, did the reset again just to be sure. In settings it says the capacity is 12.41 GB and Available is 2.09 GB, the books that she gets are from a site called Bookbub, each day they send her an email with an assortment of books and several of them are free but only for the one day in the email, the next day they are still on their website but they cost money. To get them free you must download them each day from the email of that day.

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