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How do I open an m4a song?


iPF Noob
My daughter emailed me two m4a songs she did and on my iPad Mini all i have to do to listen to them is touch the m4a
Icon and they play. Well...is there a way I can get these songs into iTunes, because now they're just in my email and will fall off the grid in a few days.

Also...I sent the songs to a friend and she can't open them. Any suggestions? I really need help.
You could try using the iTunes option "Create mp3 version". That might do it. Have to admit, I'm not familiar with the m4a file type. Sounds like it might be the audio stream from an m4v. Have you tried opening it in QuickTime? That might buy you some time while you get it figures out (if it works). You could probably open it in VLC too. There aren't many audio/video files that it won't handle.

This will have to be done on PC/Mac.
Could you tell me how I open it in Quick Time? It gives me about 5 options to "Open In" but none of them make sense. Thanks.
Probably because the file makes no sense to the iPad. I think you need to open it on a PC with one of the programs I suggested. It might be worth asking how the file was created in the first place. Whatever created it might be necessary to play it.

Just found this. It might prove useful.

Converting m4a to mp3 in iTunes
Thanks so much, you guys! I will try those things and also send the info to my PC friend so maybe she'll be able to open
it. Thanks again.
Save the attachment to your Mac. It will probably end up in Downloads. Open iTunes, then go to File/Add to Library. A Finder window will open when you click on Add to Library. You can navigate to the file, and click Open. It will then be added to your iTunes library. I just tried it with some music I had on a memory stick.

If you have trouble finding the file, turn on Show File Extensions (which in my opinion should always be on regardless of which computer you use) and do a search in Finder for .m4a. You should find the path to it. I'm using Mountain Lion. Earlier versions of OS X may be different, although I wouldn't think they would be appreciably different. This is almost exactly the same way you would do it in Windows.
Kevin, thank you for that! I will try it the first chance I get! Been too overwhelmed with other important things the last couple of days. But I'll try your suggestion for sure and come back to let you know if it works! :)

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