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How do I organize my PDFs?


iPF Noob
Hi All,

Have had my iPad for about a year now. I have some questions to do with iBooks. For example, how do I categorize and store my PDFs in folders? If it involves iTunes, please make your answer very specific because I'm having a little trouble understanding what happens when I log on to synchronize. Any help would be appreciated.

PS, also had a little trouble searching this site for others who asked the same question about PDFs.


It's very easy to organise your PDFs in iBooks without ever going near to iTunes (yes, I hate that program too).

On the bookshelf page, press 'Edit', 'Collections', 'New' and you'll be prompted for the name of a new folder. Create the various folders that you want. Then highlight the PDFs that you want to go into a specific folder and you'll be offered the list of folders from where you can choose the destination.

You'll be pleased to know that you can organise your PDFs within iBooks without going through iTunes. When you open iBooks, you'll see your PDFs and books are in two separate collections within the library. When you click on the PDF library, you'll see one list with all the PDFs you've got. Click on edit. On the lhs you'll now see two new buttons, move and delete, and circle tick boxes will have appeared beside each PDF. First put a tick beside each PDF you want grouped together. Then click on 'move'. A beige coloured box now pops up with options for where to move the PDFs too. One of the options is 'new'. Click on this and create a new folder. Name it, and click 'done'. You can go straight to the 'create new' stage by clicking on collections first, and making all the folders you want before editing.

Beat me to it, Tim!
Thanks so much Tim! Realty lovely that someone heard me scream, and also that the advice you gave me was right on. I now have a bunch of organised PDFs. Thank you, again!
Thanks very much to you too, Jockscrap! Great to know there are people out there and active, willing to share their expertise.
You'll be pleased to know that you can organise your PDFs within iBooks without going through iTunes. When you open iBooks, you'll see your PDFs and books are in two separate collections within the library. When you click on the PDF library, you'll see one list with all the PDFs you've got. Click on edit. On the lhs you'll now see two new buttons, move and delete, and circle tick boxes will have appeared beside each PDF. First put a tick beside each PDF you want grouped together. Then click on 'move'. A beige coloured box now pops up with options for where to move the PDFs too. One of the options is 'new'. Click on this and create a new folder. Name it, and click 'done'. You can go straight to the 'create new' stage by clicking on collections first, and making all the folders you want before editing.

Beat me to it, Tim!

Yours was the more complete answer though...many thanks


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