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how do i start up


iPF Noob
i just plugged it in and it says itunes

does that mean i have to go on another computer and register on itunes

does it mean i have to plug the ipad to another computer to do itunes

sorry im unsure and appreicate any help

could i do it frm my iphone

Greetings and welcome to the forum!

You have to plug your iPad into a computer, any computer, running iTunes to register it. It does not have to be your computer. You can actually take it to an Apple store and they will do it for you.
It is true. 1991-C4 is correct.

I don't have an iPad and I am planning on getting one soon. It can't hurt to buy a couple of books on the subject of iPad so I could read it to familiar myself with it while saving up to get my own iPad.

I read about this part, that you need to hook up to a computer to register your iPad and since my computer is 12 years old still running on Windows 98 which means no chances of downloading iTunes, so I went to the Apple approved shop and asked them about this. They told me that they can do it for me or I can use a friend's computer to register and set up my iPad.

After that, I can use my iPad on its own until I get myself a new computer, as I read that you would still need iTunes as a tool for your iPad, for example, to back up your software on your iPad into iTunes so if anything go wrong with your iPad, you can restore your data from iTunes back into your iPad.

I would suggest you ask a friend who have iTunes to help you active your iPad and once in a while, if your friend don't mind, you could back up your iPad to your friend's computer until you get a computer yourself or until your computer (if you have one) have iTunes installed. Once done, just back up to your own iTunes.

It do not have to be a friend's computer, a family member's computer will do, or ask the Apple shop to active it for you, but highly recommended that you try to get yourself a computer with iTunes when you can, so you can back up to iTunes.

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