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How do u set ur email to delete from the server

Settings,mail,select your account,select your account again,advanced,deleted mailbox,on ipad trash and server trash
I have never had any luck deleting email from the sever when I delete it on my iPad
Any ideas

Hi Trtuttle - you need to tell us more about your email account (e.g. Outlook, Yahoo, Gmail, or another server); also, what are the options on your server for handling sending your mail to the iPad, the two standard protocols are Pop3 (Post Office Protocol v.3) & IMAP (Internet Messaging Access Protocol) - each behaves differently; POP3 will download your email to the iPad and then delete the messages from the server (this can be overridden if the option is provided), whereas IMAP will allow you to read the messages on the iPad but will keep copies on the server; Check HERE for more information on these protocols and their differences.

With answers to these questions, others may be able to provide more specific comments and suggestions - good luck! :)
I fixed the pop3 one but the work outlook email does not seem to give me the advanced options

Good - congrats on the one account! Although now retired, I still have an 'active' Outlook email account from my former place of employment, however, I use the browser option, i.e. OWA (Outlook Web Access) to view this account - have not given it a try on the iPad via the Mail app; but let us know if your resolve the situation - might help others - :)

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