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How do u stop and cancel Itune download, from Ipad?


iPF Noob
Just like the title says. Anyone know how to stop a dwnload and cancel it out from the Itunes app on the Ipad? When i first got the ipad, i wanted to dwnload a free episode. It wasnt until after i started the download, that i saw how large the file was..lol. So the only thing i could do was pause it. But whenever i go to itunes , under dowmloads, its still there saying press to resume download. How do i get rid of it out of Itunes, on ipad itself, period? Thnx in advance for any insight. I tried to solve it myself and tried another download to figure how to delete it. So now i have 2 episodes waitin to be resumed...lmfao. Plz help, i want them outta there..lol
Go to iTunes, sync your iPad with iTunes. When the App icon appear in the downloads tab, right click the app then click delete. If this still not working, then you have to complete your download in order to remove it.
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Ok. So sync to ipad to desktop itunes, n try to delete from there. Thnkx. I was hoping i didnt have to go that route..lol. My desktop is outdated n slow as molasses.
Also, this was a movie download. So itll show up the same on desktop itunes?
any idea?

same problem happens to me...though i have tried to restore my ipad, once my internet is connected, the app comes out again. can anybody help us???
Go to videos

Open the videos app/folder, then click on edit.
Click on the "X" for the videos you want to delete or the one's which are still downloading.
I've paused 25 episode downloads, and I want to delete them. I've tried everything other users have suggested, but nothing works. Do I really have to let them finish downloading for them to show up in Videos or to sync them to iTunes on my laptop?
You can do it from within the iTunes app in the iPad without having to use a laptop. Just go to to downloads tab within the app and swipe your finger from right to left (or from left to right) on each download. It will show a red "Delete" button. Once you click it, it will ask you to confirm your choice, and then it will be deleted.
@ Aboudaty - Reading the thread due to same issue as initial questioner. Your simple solution has brought my Apps downloads back to life. Many thanks!
You can do it from within the iTunes app in the iPad without having to use a laptop. Just go to to downloads tab within the app and swipe your finger from right to left (or from left to right) on each download. It will show a red "Delete" button. Once you click it, it will ask you to confirm your choice, and then it will be deleted.

I purchased a TV show "season" and the remaining episodes to download are seen under the "downloads" tab. Finger swipes have no affect. Any suggestions? Funny, you can "pause" a pending download, but not "discard" one.

After discovering the file sizes, I decided to use SD instead of HD. I don't care abut the $3.00 difference, and won't likely see the difference on my iPad 2!
You can do it from within the iTunes app in the iPad without having to use a laptop. Just go to to downloads tab within the app and swipe your finger from right to left (or from left to right) on each download. It will show a red "Delete" button. Once you click it, it will ask you to confirm your choice, and then it will be deleted.

Hi - Thanks for your solution. I had 2 downloads going and your solution worked fine for one but not for the other. The first was a download of an already purchased TV series (Madmen) and that worked. The second was a newly rented movie that I downloaded by mistake in HD instead of SD. The finger swipe does not bring up the red delete button for this one. Any suggestions or do I just have to wait another 3 hours for the download to complete??


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