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How do you ADD mailboxes/folders ?

Ch 5Pg 44 ADD A MAILBOX does not work for me

I've looked through both the iPad1 and the iPad2 help manuals. Neither of them mention about adding a mailbox on page 44. So, the reference is a bit vague.

So, could you please explain what you are trying to do on which type iPad? We need a bit more information of what you're doing in order to help you get to your goal.


IPad User Guide for iOS 5.0 Software
Ch 5 Pg 44
Want to be able to sort mail into mailboxes/folders of my own designations
Ah, got it.

First, you can only create new emails if you have an IMAP or Exchange email accounts. You cannot do it if your mail is via a POP account.

That said, I just showed someone how to do this in another thread. So, if you'll allow me to be lazy, please see here: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?p=416209

Hope this helps.

Got a Gmail acct with them
Then I got a Gmail mailbox on iPad
Now I can ADD folders of my own choosing
To that Acct
Tnx again for your prompt solution

Glad it worked out for you. And, thanks for posting back to let us know you've got your question answered. Always nice to hear back about the success stories.


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