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How Does 3D Gaming on the iPad Grab You?


iPadForums News Team
Jun 7, 2010
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Industry Gamers has a great feature on the possibility of 3D gaming coming to the iPad. It seems that a company called 3D Eye Solutions has announced that it is intending to bring 3D gaming to the iPad. 3D Eye Solutions uses proprietory 2d to 3D conversion technology, which it says works across a wide variety of platforms. According to Industry Gamers, 3D Eye Solutions provides conversions for both 3D stereo (where you have to wear the glasses), and auto-stereo (where you don’t).

“iPad will run almost all of the more than 225,000 apps on the App Store which 3D Eye Solutions can convert from 2D to 3D. iPad users can browse the web, read/send email, enjoy and share photos, watch HD videos, play games, read e-books and much more in 3D with 3D Eye's content conversions,†said a spokesman for the company.

No idea when they’ll be starting this process - it would be good to see if they can actually live up to their promises. Don’t bother trying to access the 3D Eye Solutions website from your iPad though, ‘cause you need Flash to view it! Oops!

Source: Industry Gamers

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