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How fast can you type on the interface?


iPF Noob
I am wondering if I am the only one that does not enjoy typing on the screen. I make so many mistakes, and it's not like I'm typing that fast! I'm thinking I might get a keyboard, it's becoming irritating. Maybe it's just me...what do y'all think?

It's you. :)

Just give it some time. I had the same when I started to use an Iphone and with my Blackberry it was 7 is even worst. You just need to get used to it and if it doesn't work out you can always get one of those Ipad cases with build in Bluetooth keyboard.
Are you a typist or two finger one because I'm a trained typist but when I got my iPhone, I had to learn damn fast how to type with my middle fingers because of the small keys. It's on of the main reasons I bought the iPad because of the bigger keys. I bought it on eBay and it came with a Bluetooth keyboard. I have adapted well with middle fingers and it just takes practice. I only put the keyboard on if I am writing in my diary or for long typing jobs. Don't press too hard because your fingers do get sore.
I'm a touch typist too and I just can't touch type on the iPad on-screen keyboard because there's no tactile feedback. So I use a Bluetooth keyboard most of the time - I have a folding one because it's so compact when folded and in its faux leather case that it's not a chore to carry with me. If I have to use the on-screen keyboard then it's back to two-finer typing.

I'm a touch-typist too and find the on screen keyboard quite easy to use the more I use it, I do find that keeping my nails short is very helpful too, easier to hit the key you are aiming for!!
I'm not a touch typist. Mostly not, anyway. I love the landscape virtual keyboard on iPad. Glad I didn't order a hardware keyboard. My main problem, which I am getting over, is that I tend to rest my finger tips on the keys while I'm thinking. it turns out to be not that hard to change this habit.
I don't like mashing my fingers on a hard glass surface repeatedly, either. I have a Bluetooth keyboard, but my keyboard of choice is a regular ergonomic USB keyboard which I connect using the camera connection kit.
Typing is fairly fast.
What I don't like about USB keyboards is that the backspace button functions slightly different. On the iPad deletion speeds up, when it is kept pressed, but for USB keyboards, it always stays at the same speed, which makes it quite slow when deleting longer passages.

Anyhow, when typing on the virtual keyboard, I revert to my own 7-finger typing system. It works fairly well, definitely more typing errors then with an actual keyboard, but still much faster then then 2 thumb pointing circus, when using the iPad in portrait mode.

The touch of glass has never bothered me much, besides from the sound of fingernails hitting the glass. The nails really need to be cut short, or typing becomes a noisy task. But my tip segments are vertical when writing, perhaps if they were bend less, the problem would alleviate itself.
I am a touch typist and I feel pain in my hands if I type more than 5 minutes on iPad screen :mad:

So for extensive typing, I just revert back laptop with a wireless keyboard. iPad wasn't meant for content creation device, so fast typing is not a priority for designers.

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