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How friendly is apple?


iPF Noob
Here is something I have observed trying to over come my trouble with my new iPad. I'm not the only one and I'm not a minority when it comes to dealing with these problems. The very basic Internet functions are not available because Apple has decided to be your big brother and has decided you are not capable of making decisions about opening websites or sharing information and/or files you want to share.

My wife bought me this IPad so I could process my pictures, upload them to my website and share them with people who would enjoy them and eventually might purchase them.

So far this iPad has done everything to keep me from sharing my photos and keep me from doing everything that Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak created apple to do.

Still waiting for someone to explain why this is such a great purchase?

Thanks again,

Dbarnesh- Is there a reason you posted the same thing twice in two separate threads?

j/w - I've posted a response in the first thread you've created.

moderators please merge or delete this thread. Thx.
It's a great purchase for some people but not for everyone.

Sounds like you need a traditional laptop. If you like Mac, look into the entry level 13" MacBook Pro. The battery is great, not quite up to the level of the iPad but much more functional. For word processing and web browsing, I have been averaging about 7 hours of life, which is plenty for most people. To be honest, I haven't touched my iPad since I got my MacBook Pro.
Sorry for double posting folks, thanks for your responses. If you can tell me how to delete this thread I will.

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