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How I Fixed It: Stuck in "Connect to iTunes" Screen [Nov 2013]


iPF Noob
Upon updating to iOS 7.0.4 from 7.0.3 via USB, my iPad2 Wi-Fi (which I unfortunately plugged into a faulty USB port) got stuck at the "Connect to iTunes" screen during the software update process:


I am running iTunes (the latest as of this writing) and followed instructions in this popular article to no avail. My iPad2 remained stuck in Recovery Mode.

To make sure, I used another PC to eliminate faulty USB ports. I did the following procedures:

  1. Install an older version of iTunes. iTunes 10.7 worked for me. Go to Edit > Preferences > General > (uncheck) Check for new software updates automatically
  2. Plug iOS device to PC. In the dialog box that says, "iTunes has detected <device> in recovery mode", click "OK".
  3. When prompted, do NOT allow iTunes to check updates automatically.
  4. iTunes will also prompt for an iOS software update. Mine asked to update to iOS 6.1.3. I assume it is because I am using an older iTunes. Let it download the iOS software.
  5. After the download, click "Restore". Then, click "Check".
  6. Since you have already downloaded the iOS software, it will prompt another dialog box. Click "Restore and Update".
Disappointingly (wait, read on), iTunes prompted an "Error 3194" dialog box, to which I simply clicked "OK".

BUT to my surprise, it prompted another dialog box saying, "iTunes cannot connect to iPad <device name> because it has a passcode. The passcode must be entered in the device."

Then my iPad2 lit up and VOILA! It was out of Recovery Mode! All my data were intact and I am still in iOS 7.0.3.

I do not know exactly what happened in this odd turn of events, but somewhere along, something went right. I believe the important points in this whole ordeal are:

  • Try another PC.
  • Use an older version of iTunes.
I continued my iOS 7.0.4 update via FOTA (Firmware-Over-The-Air), to which it completed successfully.

I hope my experience will help someone. I am posting this, so users will not get frustrated or panicked. Keep calm and goodluck! :D
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Thankyou Kathy
My daughters Ipad was stuck in the " connect to itunes " recovery mode for a year after our cat peed on the charger, I plugged it in not realising....... It was out of warranty so I tried so many things to fix it ) Nothing worked until I saw your post. I followed your instructions and WOW it opened and is working perfectly. Thankyou so much.

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