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How I sped up my iPad 2


iPF Noob
It was pretty simple, go into your settings/ notifications and do not include as many apps as possible. After that, go into settings/ general/ background app refresh and do the same. For background app refresh for example, I only have FB and FB Messenger selected. The iPad 2 seem to be choking on itself due to memory, by disabling the stuff happening in the background, the iPad comes back to life. Don't need to do anything else like reduce animation and such. Give it a shot, I was pleasantly surprised at how much snapper the iPad became. Switching in between apps still is show but that's due to the age of the iPad 2. This is an iPad 2 running iOS 8.4.1.
The FaceBook app has been a notorious culprit of being a data hog in the past, but with all the recent updates it has received I don't know for certain if this is still true or not. Anyway many believe the reason was that by allowing it to refresh in the background it was constantly updating and using up data.

Now if you're only using you iPad on your home WiFi network that has no data cap, then it's your choice how you want it to work. But if you were using a cellular WiFi with a data cap, it could easily use up a good bit of your data.

Though what it boils down to, and the reason for my response, is that you might find your iPad runs faster if you turn off background refresh for FaceBook. It will refresh when you open the app, but the drawback is it will take just a second or two longer to open.


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For my iPad 2, the issue was not data usage, the iPad slows to a crawl even with the simplest of tasks. Animation would be choppy, scrolling would be jumpy. I read that by going into general/ accessibility and turning on reduce motion and going into increase contrast and select reduce transparency would speed up the iPad. While it did, make the iPad snappier when it was not under load, it would start choking on itself as soon as apps in the background started doing their thing. For my iPad 2, I disabled those apps that doesn't need to be running in the background anyway, which is stuff like Google+, Evernote, Hulu, etc. It freed up a lot of resources and allowed the iPad to breath again. Now the iPad 2 is actually my wife's, I run an iPad Air. I offered to give her my Air and I can get the Pro. She liked what I did so much, she told me no. Lol
For my iPad 2, the issue was not data usage, the iPad slows to a crawl even with the simplest of tasks. Animation would be choppy, scrolling would be jumpy. I read that by going into general/ accessibility and turning on reduce motion and going into increase contrast and select reduce transparency would speed up the iPad. While it did, make the iPad snappier when it was not under load, it would start choking on itself as soon as apps in the background started doing their thing. For my iPad 2, I disabled those apps that doesn't need to be running in the background anyway, which is stuff like Google+, Evernote, Hulu, etc. It freed up a lot of resources and allowed the iPad to breath again. Now the iPad 2 is actually my wife's, I run an iPad Air. I offered to give her my Air and I can get the Pro. She liked what I did so much, she told me no. Lol

Curses... foiled again! [emoji30][emoji21][emoji3]


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