How often do you charge your iPad (or iPhone/iPod)'s battery?
EDIT: I typed hare instead of charge in the question (autocorrected!) Sorry, I mean charge!
Probably about weekly. Unless I need it fully charged for something (road trip etc), I run it almost all the way down every time before I charge it up overnight.
Wow, I pretty much run my battery down to less than 10% every day, thus I have to charge it daily. But, right now I am not working, so it is my greatest source of entertainment, job hunting, etc.
I find that my battery life seems to be extended with ios6.
I did just upgrade to The New IPad, 32 GB, wifi and cell. I had I only a few days before the update.
I can say wi certainty that my iPhone 4S batty life has increased though, so I am thinking that the improvement I ham seeing onThe New iPad is also accurate.
I am only charging my iPhone every coupe of days and my iPad sees a bit less use during the day, so it gets charged whenever appropriate. So far only once since the update and I'm currently on 87%
Who posted never?!?!
I tend to keep mine plugged in most of the time, and run it down once a week.
I forgot I started this thread until just now; that gives one an idea about how bad my memory is!