iPF Noob
Share you're stories if you have any good ones!
guaranteed to show up as soon as you leave the house
hookbill said:Or go in the shower.
Seriously very reliable, they've never missed with me. But I would recommend you get your shower in before 8:00 am.
UPS has just as many complaints:
> Unless you live out in the middle of nowhere, it is almost impossible
> for UPS to misdeliver a package anymore. As of 2005, all of UPS'
> delivery locations are GPS'd and will tell the driver whether or not
> he/she is at the correct location before the package is released.
> The range is something like 20 feet. So, while the package can still
> be misdelivered to maybe your next door neighbor, a "1/2 mile away" is
> somewhat unreal.
Yet it happened two days in a row. Go figure.
I live in the country, but not the middle of no where. The neighbor
is the only other house on the block, across the street, about a 1/2
mile away.
I found the number for the local hub and called to complain. The guy
took my info and said he would look into whether it was the regular
driver or a replacement. He was kind and helpful, and I was
satisfied, but I won't use them again if I can help it.