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How to access reports from a secured Windows server on the iPad


iPF Noob
I receive a daily email from my company, with a links in the body of the email, in the following format:


(beginning of URL removed from link to allow post - new users must have 3 posts before links are allowed)

When I click the link on my Windows PC or laptop (either at the office or when working remotely) I get a window where I enter an ID and password to access the server and then the report is shown in my browser. These reports reside on a Windows server at our office.

When I select this same link on the iPad2 I get prompted for the ID and password but after I enter them I get an error, after a minute or so, stating "Cannot Open Page" "Safari could not open the page because the server stopped responding".

Any help would be appreciated. I am a new member and in the IT department for my company and we purchased an iPad2 because several employees have purchased them and are asking to use them for work.

We had three things users are asking for on their iPad for work, to get these reports to display on the iPad, to get their email from Excahnge, and to be able to use VPN. We have two of the three resolved.

Thanks in advance for your help.

OK - yes - sorry, I see that now...

Can't see why a basic HTML document would cause Safari a problem.

Have you tried another browser - I use iCab because you can set the browser 'type' to anything you want and some websites don't take 'kindly' to mobile browsers. In iCab you can set it so that it 'pretends' it's a PC browser. It's very reasonably priced and could be worth the investment (it's about $1.99). If it doesn't work, you can always get a refund!!

I have not tried another browser. If possible, I'd like to find a solution using Safari. We sent these reports to many users and if someone were to get a new iPad I would like them to be able to access the reports on the iPad the way they do now on their Windows based systems.
The problem is that Safari reports it's a mobile browser and that can't be changed. Some web sites reject or don't respond correctly to mobile browsers. It might still be worth getting a copy of iCab (no - I'm not commercially connected with them!) and set the browser type to IE and then see if the problem disappears. If so, at least we know what the problem is...


Is Safari different on the iPad then on a Mac? I tried the link on a Mac using Safari and it works fine.

Thanks for you help.

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