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How to add an attachment in Apple MAIL app?


iPF Novice
In the Apple Mail app, if I press & hold in the body of the message, I get several options including "insert photo" & "insert attachment". "Insert photo" works, "insert attachment" doesn't. What's wrong?

I know that I can go to the PAGES or NUMBERS apps, select the document and mail it, but sometimes I'm in the middle of an e-mail and decide to add an attachment.

Larry Cruzen
When you choose Add Attachment it should show you the iCloud Drive folders, or you can tap Locations at the top left to access other document sources, if you have the apps for them instaled.

If you don't have iCloud Drive enabled, or other cloud service apps installed, then I have no idea what it will do. Perhaps nothing.

It should look something like this.

Good morning, Twerppoet. I have no Wi-Fi access, but it seems this should work anyway, just like "add photo". My documents are local on my iPad. Specifically, here is the different between "Photo" and "Attachment":

Press, hold, select "insert photo"
Goes to my albums
Select desired photo
Inset appears showing photo
select "use"
Photo inserts in e-mail....all's well

Press, hold, select "add attachment"
Goes to iCloud Drive screen (this may be the problem)
Shows "locations", plus "Numbers", "Pages", "PDF Expert" apps
Select "Pages"
Select a document
Goes directly back to e-mail without inserting document

Larry Cruzen
Good morning, Twerppoet. I have no Wi-Fi access, but it seems this should work anyway, just like "add photo". My documents are local on my iPad. Specifically, here is the different between "Photo" and "Attachment":

Press, hold, select "insert photo"
Goes to my albums
Select desired photo
Inset appears showing photo
select "use"
Photo inserts in e-mail....all's well

Press, hold, select "add attachment"
Goes to iCloud Drive screen (this may be the problem)
Shows "locations", plus "Numbers", "Pages", "PDF Expert" apps
Select "Pages"
Select a document
Goes directly back to e-mail without inserting document

Hi Larry - your lack of a Wi-Fi connection and absence of iCloud (or other cloud based services, such as Dropbox) where your documents would be stored is likely the issue - see this LINK for a more detail explanation of the attachment options in the newest iOS.

Your other choice is to simply go to the app of interest, such as Pages or Numbers and use the 'share' feature to add a document to an email - I've added two screen captures below from my iPad (I do not use cloud based storage) - the first shows the method of trying to add an attachment w/i the Mail app - I have few choices and all are cloud based (cannot see any local apps); the second pic shows a document in Pages which could be added to an email, which I've done occasionally - have not tried this method for multiple docs? About all that I can add at the moment - Dave :)
Hi, Dave. I am handicapped in many ways by not having WiFi access to the web. This appears to be another instance.

When I know in advance that I will be including an attachment, I do start the e-mail from the appropriate app. Occasionally, in the middle of an e-mail, I decide to add an attachment. Then I have to copy the text, go to the app to insert the file and then paste the text into the new e-mail. Do-able, but more of a pain.

Just can't understand why press & hold works with a photo, but not a document.

By the way, I need to thank you again for putting me onto AirStash. I use mine frequently. The ability to get files to and from an SD card Is a winner.

Larry Cruzen
Hi, Dave. I am handicapped in many ways by not having WiFi access to the web. This appears to be another instance.

When I know in advance that I will be including an attachment, I do start the e-mail from the appropriate app. Occasionally, in the middle of an e-mail, I decide to add an attachment. Then I have to copy the text, go to the app to insert the file and then paste the text into the new e-mail. Do-able, but more of a pain.

Just can't understand why press & hold works with a photo, but not a document.

By the way, I need to thank you again for putting me onto AirStash. I use mine frequently. The ability to get files to and from an SD card Is a winner.

Hi Larry - hard to be w/o Wi-Fi these days and likely to be more completely incorporated into iOS and iDevices in the future, I suspect; really like using AirDrop between my Macs and iPad.

Glad that you're enjoying the AirStash - not using mine as much since buying a new camera w/ built-in Wi-Fi last year which eliminates manipulating the SD card. Dave :)
How are you sending emails without an internet connection?

Or does no Wi-Fi mean your using cellular all the time? In that case you may have to turn on cellular usage for iCloud Drive (or other cloud app), at least long enough for the email to go out.

You've probably described your internet situation before, more than once, but I'm having a bad memory day and can't recall the details. Living very rural and having strict data limits and bandwidth is what I'm thinking, but I thought it would still be a setup that included a home wi-fi network.
Yes, the only internet access we have is Verizon cellular with a 15 gig data limit. Struggle each month to stay within the limit.

I do have a router setup with a local WiFi, primarily for my wireless printer, use of Airdrop, etc. we have no cable options out here on the lake.

I used HughesNet for 2 years....it was terrible. One time I was out of state for the first 3 weeks of my data period, came home and it didn't work. They claimed that I had used up all my data. I had used none. On-line reviews of satellite data providers all show similar complaints.

In my settings, I have iCloud Drive turned on and "use cellular data" turned on for iCloud. Perhaps there is some other setting turned off?

Larry Cruzen
Ok, I've taken some time and done a little testing.

It looks like you can't attatch iWorks documents from iCloud Drive. Other file types like PDF work fine, but for some reason all the iWorks files do nothing. It does not matter if you have Wi-Fi on or not, or whether the file in the Pages/Numbers/Keynote folder or not. iWorks apps I had stashed in third party apps (using iCloud Drive) also failed.

You can attatch iWorks files if you do so form DropBox, Box, and probably other cloud services. I only tested the two mentioned. If you have those apps installed you should find the option to use them by tapping the Locations icon at the top left when your looking at the iCloud Drive folders.

I have to assume this is a bug.

I guess I never noticed this before because I've never had a reason to email an iWorks document to someone else. I almost always end up exporting them to PDF or Office if they need to be shared. At least since the option to add attachements in the Mail app was added.

So, you're not crazy or missing a feature because you don't have Wi-Fi.

If you have DropBox, I recomend uploading the files then sending a share link via email. This will use less data than attaching the file from DropBox; which would first download the file before it sent it; doubling the data needed. Most other cloud services can be used this way as well.
Thanks, Twerppoet. You are determined to to get to the root of a problem.

Well, I've developed a different problem now.....got go start a new thread.

Larry Cruzen

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