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How to change max email size received on icloud

New cameras dont come with a written manual.... So I wanted to send a PDF manual to my Ipad 4. It is 17MB and was rejected as too big. Anyone knows how to change the email size accepted for my account on icloud ? Thanks !
I think I found out myself

It seems that the max email size allowed in icloud is 20MB. How a 17MB file expands in space to 24MB I dont get, but it is then too big. It makes it complicated, as I have to use FTP or Gmail etc. If anyone has a quick fix pls let me know.
Do you have a Dropbox account (or any other online storage account ... other than iCloud)? With Dropbox, you can upload the file to your online Dropbox and then access the PDF from your [free] Dropbox app on the iPad. Then, Dropbox has an "Open In..." function so you can choose any PDF reader to view the file.

If you don't have Dropbox, it's an easy sign up, with the first 2GB of data free. For a lot of people - 2GB is plenty and all they ever need or will use.

Just another idea...

Dropbox did it

As I am one of the very few who are not using itunes (yet) I went for Dropbox. It was quick to set up an account and download the app. Thanks for the advice.

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