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How to find out what application is being used to display a calendar


iPF Noob
Nov 15, 2021
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In our household my wife has an iPad and I have a Windows PC. My wife has no technical knowledge. I have worked with PC's since the first Windows PC was introduced. We're having trouble seeing the same gmail calendar information on both machines. On the Windows PC the calendar is accessed from a web browser. We don't exactly know how the gmail calendar is accessed on the iPad... it must be with a browser, or maybe it is some sort of other app. Sometimes an item added on the PC isn't seen on the iPad, and sometimes an item added on the iPad isn't seen on the PC. On the iPad sometimes the calendar that comes up when the app icon is pressed isn't on the current date... not even the current month, and sometimes not even the current year. Can anyone provide a direction of investigation that could lead us to a solution? You can image how much trouble is caused when we don't see exactly the same calendar information.
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In general, information visible in every calendar app is synced via email account, afaik.
Which app is she using for calendar events? Is it the built in Calendar app (white app icon with date and day), or a different one? Usually, the built in app works without major problems, if the account is set up correctly. If it doesn’t behave as desired, just restart the iPad. That solves most of the issues.

In case the built in app is used for calendar events, you can find the Gmail account in Settings - Calendar - Accounts. Also, make sure „Time Zone Override“ is turned off, and make the calendar you‘re sharing the Default Calendar on the iPad (still in Settings - Calendar).

A third party app might need an update via App Store. Some developers stop adapting their apps, and with time they don‘t work any more.
Thanks to J.A. and LannyC. We seem to have solved the problem of not seeing the same calendar entries. However, we still have the situation where my wife's iPad is going to future dates instead of the current date when the app starts up.

The solution I would like to encourage her to implement is to open our calendar on her iPad using a browser, same as I do on my PC, instead of whatever is app is being opened when she activates the existing Calendar button. She should stay logged in so our Gmail calendar shows on the browser without delay when the app is started.

What are the steps for adding a button on my wife's iPad that will open our Gmail calendar, and how can she remove the Calendar button that is already there so that app isn't used any more.
To add an icon on the home screen, open the site in the browser, then tap the Share button at the top right (the square with the arrow) and select “Add to Home Screen”:

To remove the existing Calendar app, tap the screen until the app icons start wiggling, and you can see a - next to them:

Tap the - to get rid of the app.

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