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How to find paypal entry


iPF Noob
I bought an app for $0.99. After two hours searching for the small charge and checking all my charge cards, I finally found it on my extra bank acct with PayPal charge. So i must have put in PayPal when I set this up last month. I can't find it in ipad or ipad app /iTunes settings on ipad. Where is this hiding at ?

I didn't like that PayPal took it from the bank without giving option to change to default Credit Card. Might as well use CC with small limit instead. Where to make that change.

My AppleID in app stores settings: to change go to iTunes Store. I went to iTunes at bottom to AppleID, got same message. No card info in either. Trie icloud, that does allow a card input, three brands and none. No papal though.

While I'm on a roll of questions, where to put iTunes gift cards in ? In case I ever have one of those to use up.....

Sent from my iPad using iPF, still lots room left in 64GB
The PayPal connection is NOT in any of the referenced set up points in that document.

Sent from my iPad using iPF, still lots room left in 64GB
Sorry, didn't understand your post properly, it seems. I've been searching, but I didn't find anything to help you. Perhaps someone else has an idea what to do.
In my iTunes install:
Click "Store" on the menu bar
Click "View my Apple ID"
Enter password
Click "View Account"
Second line is "Payment Type", click "Edit"

It lists the CC types accepted and includes the PayPal icon
I'm not sure what's going on. You are saying that you have no credit card or payment info set up with Apple, but you got charged through PayPal anyway. This from something you bought directly from the iTunes or Apps Store?

Hold in mind Apple can wait up to 10 days to charge on small purchases. They like to put several together when they can. So make sure the details of the Pay Pal purchase match what you bought.

Anyway, you can double check your purchase history with Apple. That will show whether you've actually been billed or not.

iTunes Store & Mac App Store: Seeing your purchase history and order numbers

You can always contact iTunes Store Support and ask. They will be able to tell you exactly how you were billed, at least from their end. For info on PayPal, you'll have to deal with PayPal. On a positive note, I've heard PayPal is trying to clean up their customer relations image, so maybe that won't be too painful.

As for the Gift Card, there is a Redeem link at the bottom of the Featured (or first) tab in the various iStores. You tap that to enter a code directly. If you receive the code by email, you should be able to tap or tap and hold (I'm not sure which) on it in the Mail app and get the option to redeem it. That will take you through the process more or less automatically. Same for receiving an app as a gift or the rare developer promotional code.
To clarify farther, I bought an ipad3 two months ago and must have set up PayPal then. Because of how iTunes / Apple processes Paypal there is no option to switch from savings suck to charge card, like when I'm on a web site. Therefor I just want to delete my Paypal conex. and replace with a 'shop safe' credit card.

So, because 1 the transaction doesn't allow me to switch to cc, 2 no prompt for PayPal login, 3 no pay this 'person' button, I would rather use a shop safe controlled CC for better security.

I guess I'll have to install iTunes in a PC just to see and change its settings. The settings have label saying PayPal is no supported here and go to iTunes Store to manage it. iTunes Store in ipad doesn't do it either. Must be only full computer.

Sent from my iPad using iPF, still lots room left in 64GB
I thought you already tried to change the settings in iTunes. In my link was also the description how to do so in iTunes.
In my iTunes install:
Click "Store" on the menu bar
Click "View my Apple ID"
Enter password
Click "View Account"
Second line is "Payment Type", click "Edit"

It lists the CC types accepted and includes the PayPal icon
I just tried to do this and my screen does not offer a "paypal" option

I recently updated Itunes, so do have the latest version

I am in the UK - would that make a difference to the options offered?
There's no difference. I took a look yesterday, just to see, if PayPal is an option. It doesn't show up in iTunes.

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