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How to get audiobooks from iTunes to iPad 2


iPF Noob
How do I get audiobooks from laptop itunes to my ipad2? I moved everything off my ipad prior to the update and cannot figure out how to get them back.
In iTunes, with the iPad connected, there should be a tab titled "Books." That tab will have two check able categories, "Sync Books" and "Sync Audiobooks."

If you select/check "Sync Audiobooks" and then check "Selected audiobooks," all your audiobooks should show for you to pick them. If you want to sync all audiobooks in iTunes over to the iPad, you can select the "All audiobooks" line. Note that if you do that, you won't see the list of audiobooks.

Hope this helps/clarifies.

Thanks for your response. I have located the Books tab but there is no option for 'synch audiobooks' or 'selected audiobooks'.
I checked itunes for an update and that is OK so I cannot understand this puzzle.
My laptop is about 5 years old and I am in Canada but I don't know if either of these things are relevant.
Make sure you scroll down a bit in the Books tab. The audiobook settings are under the regular book sync settings.

The other possibility is that your audiobook files are not being recognized as audiobooks. To check on this go to the Books library (iTunes in Library mode) and choose the Audiobooks tab at the top. If your books are not there they are probably in the Music library. Find them, right click, choose Get Info, go to the Options tab and change the Media Kind to Audiobook.
Thanks for the assistance - I did eventually figure it out but I'm not sure if I can remember what I did.

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