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How to get my Verizon iPad2 3G to work in South Africa?


iPF Noob
Good afternoon, I wonder if someone will be able to assist, as the cellphone providers and Apple Stores here in South Africa cannot give me advice:

A friend bought my iPad2 in Washington DC just before it was launched in South Africa. It's a 64G Wifi, VERIZON 3G device. The problem that I noticed only when receiving it, is that the Verizon SIM card seems to build into the iPad, it's not accessible via a little slot on the side of the tablet.

Of course I cannot open the iPad to install a SIM that will work on one of the South African networks (Vodacom, MTN or Cell C).

To me a logic solution will be to take my IPad to someone who can open it, install a SIM that I will buy and I should be connected. Apple, and the cellular networks here in Johannesburg cannot assist me.

Is it something that I can perhaps do myself?
Any knowledge about someone in Johannesburg or elsewhere in South Africa that will be able to assist me?
If I can get my iPad2 back to Washington DC, will the Apple store where I bought it be able to install a SIM card that I can buy here in South Africa?

Any assistance will really be appreciated.

Kind regards
Ettienne Brunsdon
I"m by no means an expert on CDMA (living in the UK as I do), but from what I understand only the USA and parts of Asia have CDMA networks the support the iPad and therefore a CDMA iPad is pretty much useless outwith those areas in terms of 3G connectivity. There is no way you will ever get it to operate on a GSM 3G network. You can't simply crack it open and stick in a GSM SIM. It's a completely different chipset and wireless technology.
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If you can get it back to the Apple store in South Africa with a receipt they may allow you to exchange it for a GSM version which you can stick a SIM in...
f4780y said:
If you can get it back to the Apple store in South Africa with a receipt they may allow you to exchange it for a GSM version which you can stick a SIM in...

Good idea, thanks, I will go and chat to them again, they did not mention it as an option the last time I've discussed this with them, but will give it another try. I just get the idea that the store that I went to locally is not all that clued up or willing to assist. I may be wrong, definately worth to give it a try. I will feed back when able....
There are CDMA networks in South Africa- Vodacom is one - however they have no way of activating your iPad on their network. Apple has no contract with them, so they don't have the magic key to allow your device access.

You can always talk with them, but I'm afraid you are out of luck..

thewitt said:
There are CDMA networks in South Africa- Vodacom is one - however they have no way of activating your iPad on their network. Apple has no contract with them, so they don't have the magic key to allow your device access.

You can always talk with them, but I'm afraid you are out of luck..


Thanks for your input, Vodacom is actually my cellphone service provider, but I have not yet managed to get anyone there to give me any good news. Will keep on trying though...

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