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How to Get Refund on an App from iTunes Store


iPF Noob
Im new to Apple/iPad world - coming over from Droid. In the Droid app store - each application comes with an "uninstall" button. If you use it within 24 hours of purchase, your $$ is refunded automatically.

Obviously not so with iTunes App store. Surely someone has been unhappy with a purchase... how do you go about getting $$ back? Can you contact the developer?

Appreciate your help
Actually if you have an application you purchased and the following applys:
1). Application is corrupt.
2) Application does not perform as per description on iTunes
3) Application does not suit your geographic area ie Australia eg USA maps and no mention of this was in iTunes description
4) You purchased the application in error by selecting buy and no request came up for password as you had bought an app just moments before.
Include your user name, your full details, the application name, the order number with date and the reason for requesting a credit
You will receive a response with in 48 hours then receive credit with in 5 days if it is a credit card purchase if you used an iTunes card I believe they issue credit to you account.
To locate your order number on your computer log in to your iTunes account, Account, recent purchases then look for the Application that you require a credit for. The order number and date is next to the Application name.
This links below will assist in contacting apple read this one first.

iTunesStoreSupport@apple.com. This is the link to report your problem
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hatguyTelling some one to move on does not in any way assist the user whom has a genuine question and requires help. It is better to say nothing if you do not have an answer
apple does not do refunds on apps.

They used to and it really hurt the developers. This is how it used to be:

Lets say the app is 99 cents.

customer buys app for 99 cents, apple keeps 30 cents and gives rest to developer.

customer requests refund

apple takes the full 99 cents from the developer and gives it back to customer.

people were requesting refunds and the developers were getting charged 30 cents for each customer requesting refund reducing the amount they received from selling the apps, in some cases they ended up not making any money and owed apple money.
MikesTooLz said:
apple does not do refunds on apps.

They used to and it really hurt the developers. This is how it used to be:

Lets say the app is 99 cents.

customer buys app for 99 cents, apple keeps 30 cents and gives rest to developer.

customer requests refund

apple takes the full 99 cents from the developer and gives it back to customer.

people were requesting refunds and the developers were getting charged 30 cents for each customer requesting refund reducing the amount they received from selling the apps, in some cases they ended up not making any money and owed apple money.

I can see how this policy would hurt the developers but they do sometimes create apps that just aren't right and or really don't do what they are supposed to. I suppose that caveat emptor applies here but that can only help you so much. It's not until you actually use and live with an app that you can really determine its performance and validity. I like the idea of being able to download an app free but that only lasts 24 hours or something. Then, you get to unlock it for the selling price. Or something like that. Totally removing the capability to get app refunds will crimp what apps I'll try. The reviews aren't always reliable either.
Colbris is awesome. And I love number one. The apps are corrupt. They sure are. My list of reputable apps are short. But you can get a refund. Deleting an app out of iTunes permanently is my next todo when I have a few hours to burn figuring it out.

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