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How to make the most of our age-ed device?


iPF Noob
I'm looking for suggestions on how best to use the iPad 1 since there is so much that can no longer be done with it, and so many apps that make it crash all the time.

Maybe if we can pool our experience we can come up with a list of things that work just fine even though it is now old and unsupported.

Here's my starter list that works:
  • photo album
  • photo frame
  • kindle books
  • iBooks

Here's the 'forget it' list
  • facebook
  • pinterest
  • feedly
  • flipboard
  • downcast
  • safari
If you updated to the iPos 5.1, it now makes an excellent coaster. I check here occasionally with hopes of finding some miracle cure for this device that "just barely kinda works sometimes", so far no luck.
I use my iPad 1 as a Media Center. It is the remote control for iTunes and Apple TV. I also use it to mirror content from my NAS (MY Book Live) onto the apple TV. SInce it is a 64GB I also keep all of my ebooks and Magazine subscriptions on there.
I never got rid of my iPad 1 when I upgraded to the Air. I don't use it all that much any more. It's a heavy klunky thing and the screen resolution is terrible compared to the Air. But.... Most of the apps I have do work. And, surprisingly, despite being 4 years old, the battery is still going strong.

As Brian 244 mentioned, it makes a great media center. (As I type this, I'm listening to streaming audio from it using the TuneIn Radio app.

I have a couple of outdoor WiFi security cameras and I have an app that lets me use the iPad as a 'wireless' camera monitor so I can watch the video from the cameras in any room of the house, or out in the garage.
How do you get rid of apps without deleting them on the other Apple devices? Can i reassign my old Ipad 2 a new identity?

I love the idea of using my old Ipad as a media center and not my main device. I want to get rid of the unwanted apps and photos

How do you get rid of apps without deleting them on the other Apple devices? Can i reassign my old Ipad 2 a new identity?

I love the idea of using my old Ipad as a media center and not my main device. I want to get rid of the unwanted apps and photos

When you remove apps from your iPad, they won't be deleted from your other Apple devices.
My 2 pennies on it's uses in my house - I keep it at my bedside mainly and the uses are....

PC mirror / control - so if I want to do stuff on a laptop, without the laptop, I'm sorted. I find its size is just right for usability and portability
Small second monitor - not fantastic but it works
An alarm / clock - Proped up in a folio case it does the trick
A control for Sky TV (mainly as I stream from one box upstairs, saves losing the remote between rooms)
Wirting, I have an app called iA Writer which is great for focusing on just writing and, as said, it's mainly at my bedside so ideal for any ideas etc.

Its a shame a lot of apps are now not iOS 5 compliant but that's just progress. My iPad still has a killer battery life as well.
Mine was jailbroken and tried to restore but couldn't. But yeah, there's not much you can do do with it, most apps require higher firmware, gave me a reason to upgrade.

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