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How to properly delete an app on ipad


iPF Noob
Hello all

I have a question for you guys/gals. What is the proper way to delete an app on the iPad. I tried the obvious, holding down the icon then delete the app. The problem is, when I connect to tune, the apple get installed again. Right now, I have to delete the apple twice, on the iPad and on tune for it to get removed property.

Is there a way to delete the app on the iPad and have that automatically delete on my itune the next time I connect?

Go to iTunes and delete the app from the apps folder (right click and delete), then delete it from the iPad. Looks like iTunes is syncing your apps back and that's how get Install again.

Good luck!

iFrog - Sent from my iPad2 using iPF

That's basically what I am doing right now: deleting the apps twice, on tune and on iPad. I was hoping that there's a way to do it only from the iPad.

I recently download aloft of apps on ITune to test them out later on the iPad. When I test the app, I delete the one I don't like right on the iPad. Because of the amount of apps, I usually don't remember which one I delete only to have itune resyn some of them again.
Maybe you have enabled the "automatically install Apps" option in iTunes. You will find this option in the Apps heading of your iPad when you connect it to iTunes. Try de-selecting it and see if this solves your problem.
firoze said:
Maybe you have enabled the "automatically install Apps" option in iTunes. You will find this option in the Apps heading of your iPad when you connect it to iTunes. Try de-selecting it and see if this solves your problem.

That's what it sounds like it. Make sure "automatically install Apps" is not selected in the apps tab when the iPad is connected and then you will not have to remove them from the iTunes apps folder.

iFrog - Sent from my iPad2 using iPF
I usually delete on iPad and just make sure it's not clicked to synch that app the next time I'm on iTunes. I leave apps in iTunes in case I ever change my mind and want an app back. YMMV

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