Just got an ipad from work. Brand new to the ipad arena, 5 min of life in the ipad forum, first post, and say hello to all of you oldtimers.
1) try to download an app from apple store. It said, "your app is NOT in the US store. your app is available in the chinese store. do you want to switch store?" I responded, yes. And sure, it found the app in the chinese apple store. so, I try to download and install. "cannot download app from this store (Chinese ?) while still sign on to the US store.... ". How do I sign on to the chinese store? and how do I sign back onto the US stone when done. BTW, these are all free apps, no money involved. I just dont know how to navigate between stores.
2) what kind of iPad is mine? Where to look? software update?
3) how do one hack this ipad... something called jailbreak? Is that only for the old iphone, or the new ipad also need to jailbreak?
Sorry about these kindergarten questions... Hope some of you will be kind enough to spoonfeed me. When I grow up, I will spoonfeed another newbie in return
1) try to download an app from apple store. It said, "your app is NOT in the US store. your app is available in the chinese store. do you want to switch store?" I responded, yes. And sure, it found the app in the chinese apple store. so, I try to download and install. "cannot download app from this store (Chinese ?) while still sign on to the US store.... ". How do I sign on to the chinese store? and how do I sign back onto the US stone when done. BTW, these are all free apps, no money involved. I just dont know how to navigate between stores.
2) what kind of iPad is mine? Where to look? software update?
3) how do one hack this ipad... something called jailbreak? Is that only for the old iphone, or the new ipad also need to jailbreak?
Sorry about these kindergarten questions... Hope some of you will be kind enough to spoonfeed me. When I grow up, I will spoonfeed another newbie in return
