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how to rip dvds to play on ipad 3 full screen

Is that a question or a statement? There are lots of software packages around that allow you to copy your personally owned DVDs to your Mac - some are free, like HandBrake, some cost. Just rip it to your Mac and then hotsync your New iPad to the Mac with iTunes.
What's with the full screen stuff? If the movie is not shot in 4:3 format (most are not) then there will be bars on the top/bottom. If you crop it to get full screen, then you are chopping off info on the sides. You can't just start chopping off the sides of a movie with risk of cutting out something you want to see, that the directly put at the left/right ends of the screen. I've seen some films with scenes where the characters are at opposite edges of the screen. If you arbitrarily chop of the edges to get full screen, then you lose the actually content in those scenes. If you view the film with bars at top/bottom, then you are actually seeing what was intended to be seen, though it will appear smaller. Sit closer or watch on a bigger screen. 10-inches is not optimal for movie watching.
What's with the full screen stuff? If the movie is not shot in 4:3 format (most are not) then there will be bars on the top/bottom. If you crop it to get full screen, then you are chopping off info on the sides. You can't just start chopping off the sides of a movie with risk of cutting out something you want to see, that the directly put at the left/right ends of the screen. I've seen some films with scenes where the characters are at opposite edges of the screen. If you arbitrarily chop of the edges to get full screen, then you lose the actually content in those scenes. If you view the film with bars at top/bottom, then you are actually seeing what was intended to be seen, though it will appear smaller. Sit closer or watch on a bigger screen. 10-inches is not optimal for movie watching.



You can follow this format settings using HandBrake (Any DVD or Bluray-like source which is NOT copy-protected from HandBrake)

Video file format: *.mp4
Encoder: H.264 Codec
Audio Codec: AAC
Resolution: 720p (1280*720) for converting Blu-ray, 480p (720*480) for ripping DVD
Bitrate: 3500kpbs
Frame Rate: 25 fps

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